Inside Resources


Inside Resources is New Zealand's online news and information service for the mining and quarrying sectors including a comprehensive industry participant and asset database.

It was launched in September 2013 and informs readers and assists high-level decision making around trends, projects and regulations influencing the mining, quarrying, concrete, cement, roading and contracting industries. Subscribers receive a daily e-newsletter.

The subscription-based website provides executive interviews, news, opinions and commentary on a daily basis.

Other information tools include more than 1,700 profiles of large sector participants and resources, an upcoming minerals permit deadline summary.


The organisation database provides details of the main industry players with operations in New Zealand, including major quarry owners and operators, coal and minerals exploration and production companies. Information for each organisation includes:

  • Independent company blurb highlighting recent activities and previous operations
  • Links to all exploration and production assets
  • Quick links to most recent editorial content for the company
  • Up-to-date information including recent financials and graphs, and key operating metrics relevant to that specific company (where available)


The resource database provides details of mining and quarrying assets in New Zealand including exploration permits, and operating and planned resources. Features of the database include:

  • Searchable by ownership, commodity and asset type and by operating status
  • Quick list showing asset name, asset type, ownership stakes and region
  • Independent asset overview highlighting recent activity, and consent information
  • Key resource data including ownership, permit duration, NZP&M deadlines
  • Links to most recent editorial content for the resource


Inside Resources is published by Freeman Media, an experienced Wellington-based publisher of business news and information services for corporate, professional and large organisation readers. It also runs large industry events.

It was established in 2002 by Matt Freeman publishing business magazines and websites in the telecommunications and IT sectors.


To be New Zealand's leading provider of industry news, events and information.

To educate, inform and assist people in making decisions in their chosen field.

Our products aim to achieve excellence in news and information service by providing a rich content experience.

Our customers are our readers, our advertisers our stakeholders.

Content comes first.

Gavin Evans - Group Editor, Freeman

Mobile: +64 27 433 5845

Jeannie Stirling - Digital Advertising Sales Manager

Mobile: +64 22 105 6807

Matt Freeman - Managing Director
B.Com (Adelaide)

Matt Freeman - Managing Director

Founder Matt Freeman has nine years experience in niche business media and has won numerous awards for his publications. Like many publishers he has a broad range of skills including writing, editing, sales, marketing, accounting and design. His editorial interests are in business reporting. Freeman's previous business experience is predominantly in sales, marketing and management in the retail travel and telecommunications sectors.

Mobile: +64 27 471 1113

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Wellington 6011

New Zealand